One concern many of our patients at Liu Plastic Surgery have in common is post-operative scar visibility. Dr. Jerome Liu or Dr. Tom Liu use surgical techniques that are designed to minimize residual scarring, but in addition, we offer two scar therapy products that can reduce the appearance of scars even more.

bioCorneum®+ is a clear topical silicone gel that creates a flexible layer over surgical scars to flatten and soften the skin while helping to prevent scar abnormalities. This scar revision in San Jose is a gel that dries quickly, is easy to apply, and is the only FDA-approved scar treatment that provides SFP30 coverage. This added sun protection aids in preventing both short-term redness and long-term discoloration of the scar. As an added benefit, bioCorneum®+ can also reduce discomfort and irritation of the skin surrounding the scar. bioCorneum®+ is an ideal scar treatment for a wide variety of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. scar revision San Jose
Contact Our Practice
To learn more about how bioCorneum®+ can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, please schedule an appointment with Liu Plastic Surgery today.